Obama mocks "Joe the Plumber"

Many of the government run social programs that FDR created are causing great problems in our system today. I thought he was great too, all through public school. Eventually I did some research on my own and learned that he was nothing short of a communist, and associated with many known communists. At the time, news didn’t travel as fast.

I can see how I seem to be heartless and cold, but that’s really not the case. I just have a greater respect for human nature and the perils that lie within it. This country did not become great on socialist principles, and the more of them we adopt, the less prosperous we are and will be.

A lot of people had faith in this economy over the past 2 years, but that didn’t keep it from crashing like a helicopter piloted by a monkey.

You said some things that were true about Bush, some that were not so accurate, but this one…come on…

I would concede that the shadow government has been much more visible during his time in office, but there is no way he established it.

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYfLpaXWlVM”]YouTube - USS Liberty: Liberty Under Fire[/ame]

If you don’t want to sit through all 8 minutes, google “U.S.S. Liberty.”