Nice statement! This is right out of Obama Socialism 101.
Start playing the race game when you have no real facts to substantiate your agenda.
Sorry, I have no white guilt. I am descended from immigrants not slave owners.
I guess I never went to see Rev Wright for twenty years to get any “racial Training”.
I voted for Lynn Swann for Governor. Did you?
What is Social Democracy? Is this the 21st century work for socialism? You quote that Marxist Trotsky like anything he ever said real meant anything. I know, he is the guy who came up with Trotshyism.
Trotskyism is the theory of Marxism as advocated by Leon Trotsky. Trotsky considered himself an orthodox Marxist and Bolshevik-Leninist, arguing for the establishment of a vanguard party. Is this where the “social democracy” comes from? A early 20th Century Marxist?
I can see how capitalism would be something Obama followers would not feel strong for. Why take control of your own life and work hard for what you want when you could follow Obama and hope for him to save all his followers. I know, it’s about sharing the wealth. So what potential is there for a society that has the crap taxed out of the people who work for a living?
What faith should we have in a “Social Democracy” (love that Socialist buzzword) when people are punished for producing? It will be like FDRs reign during the depression.
That’s why Obama’s people are called followers instead of leaders.
Then there is FDR. FDR basically kept the US in the depression years longer then we should have been. The attached Tax foundation site shows the tax rate for someone making $200,000 in 1933 was 58% and went up to his beyond excessive taxes in 1944 to 1945 to a rate of 94% taxes on income greater then $200.000.
Yes, I do mean 94% taxes for $200,000 and up. Pretty Pathetic.
Checking the timeline of the Great Depression, Roosevelt was almost overthrown in 1933 because of his “plan to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor”. Gee, who has said something lately about “Redistributing the wealth”?
No wonder the depression lasted so long. So this one of the greatest president? Sounds like a 1930-1940s version of OBAMA.
But what about the previous administrations?
If you all want to compare the last Democrat President Clinton to Republican President Bush, here is the breakdown:
Based again on using actual tax tables;
here are some examples on what the taxes were/are on various incomes/filing status under Clinton and Bush:
Taxes under Clinton 1999 Taxes under Bush 2008
Single @ 30K Tax $8,400 Single @ 30K Tax $4,500
Single @ 50K Tax $14,000 Single @ 50K Tax $12,500
Single @ 75K Tax $23,250 Single @ 75K Tax $18,750
Married @ 60K Tax $16,800 Married @ 60K Tax $9,000
Married @ 75K Tax $21,000 Married @ 75K Tax $18,750
Married @ 125K Tax $38,750 Married @ 125K Tax $31,250
This was posted in another website and has been an excellent way to illustrate the differences in financial distribution past President’s administrations.
The Tax Foundation - U.S. Federal Individual Income Tax Rates History, 1913-2008
Timeline of the Great Depression : Timeline of the Great Depression