Obama's after party...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/tallywhacker/obamavictorydinner.jpgGot it in an email…thought it was kinda funny



sure this wasnt the guy who took your 50$

that pic is older than this website.


ohmigawd. i didn’t even realize obama was black. not only that, but black people like watermelons! god I wish I was black so I could like watermelons. I’m white so I hate them!


to semi-quote your custom title,

at least I am not you…

you suck more than anyone i know

:word: too ALL the above

this is on par with the quality of posting i have come to expect from you.

i mean seriously…

OMGZ GUYzzz! i got bit by a pack of dogs and am on painkillerz now which is good because i like mood enhancers like such as the iraq obama is black and i smoke pot while fishing while i should be working but you all suck for telling me i suck even though i do suck and im on more drugs cuz i have another mysterious illness and am so sick and coughing omggzzzz payz attentionz to meeeezzz!!!

that sums up. every. single. thread. and post. you have made.


it’s kinda funny…I chuckled

“crack was finally taken off the city streets today, but new ways of over dosing are starting to show…”

Hes not black, hes hawaikenyadonesian.


No donesian. 100% Kenwaiian.

:banghead: i was gonna write out a well thought response but fuck it this sums up how i feel about this thread


404… grape soda not found.
