observation of the ricer thread- or weekly douchedom power rankings.

what? i’ve restored two cars in the time he;s made his neon none the faster. thats not including my summer beater (monte SS ) that would wipe the floor with his neon. i mean he’s calling out someone but he’s been working on the same car for how long and made 0 to little progress. i mean if he went from 16’s to 12’s in this time…thats one thing but he hasn’t. pretty much everyone has made progress on whatever it is they like except him.

nope i only belong to one car club. Hurst Olds Club of America. i’m not tryin to hurt ur feelings, i’m stating the obvious…some times the truth hurts.

seriously? i think that bandwagon has made laps, crashed, burned, was rebuilt and made another lap and then was put on display in the museum.