Obtaining police report for prior accident...

Any Buffalo folks know if I can obtain a police report for an accident on a car that is now mine, but wasn’t at the time of the accident? Also doesn’t say the city of police, just NY. (pulled a CarFax) Trying to find out what the extent of the damage to my car was.

i dont think you can …just b/c when i got my report i had to show prof that i was me and the car was mine… but what do i know could be wrong

Ask your insurance company sometimes they can get decent info for you.

the original parties involved can obtain. you might be able to as police reports have no confidentiality to them

the carfax normally lists frame damage or not, that should give you a breif idea.

I don’t think they can legally deny you access to a police report. They may charge you for it, and it may take a while to get, but legally it’s public record. That’s why The Smoking Gun can always publish the police reports when famous people get in trouble.

Doing a little google searching and I’ve found several states that say you can get a copy of the police report, even if you weren’t involved in the crime, from the issuing police station. Some say you’ll need to be able to provide the case number though. And of course, NY and Buffalo have no such FAQ’s online.

Nah, nothing listed for frame damage, just that there was a multi-car accident involving my car in 2005, and then an incident number but not the issuing district or where the accident took place.

multicar ughhhhh that could be bad.
Or hypotehtical, someone could have glanced off the front end of your new car, and hit someone else, hence multicar.
Your car could have been the 3rd car in line when a truck piledrove from the back, destroying 2 cars behind you, and scuffing your bumper cover.

As forementioned, i think the police will give you the report.

Yeah, I mean, if it was multi-car, I doubt there was anything major to my car. Someone looked at it once and thought the hood had a little orange peel on it and wasn’t original paint and that there was some unoriginal parts behind the grill - and that grill was not sitting quite right when I bought it, but the bumper is still the original euro bumper and there’s nothing else obvious - except for a very minor shift on the driver front fender where the seam is slightly off by the door that I’ve always been curious about. You have to look REALLY close at the car to see any of those things.

So now I’m just curious on what happened exactly and what’s not original.

Guess I’ll just drop by the Buffalo PD and see if my incident number lines up with anything. I’m assuming it’s Buffalo since that’s where the previous owner lived.

Other cool thing about this Carfax is that I found out it was infact brought over immediately in 1985 and registered in NYS. I know it was sold at a dealer in Munich, and always assumed it spent a few years there before coming over, but according to the carfax it was already here by 8/85. (i’ve got an 85 euro bmw 320i 6 cyl)

Sounds pretty cool. Got any pics of it?




that thing is sweet. is that a factory targa top? wierd.

im not a huge fan of convertibles but that thing looks cherry.

It’s a “Baur TC” - it was a factory option before BMW did their own convertibles. A company called Baur took the cars off the factory line and converted them either to full convertibles or “top convertibles” as this one. The back window is a targa and the top piece is canvas wrapped, but it’s a hard piece. But it was an option you placed at the time of ordering. Of course, I suppose you could always go to Baur yourself later on and have it done. Baur is no longer in business, however.

