OCC show pics.

i let u sit in my car and u post zero pictures of it. wtf.

I have them but you don’t want to see them.

Two words

Ungodly overexposed :ninja

dude, you let him shit in your car??


and this

Seem odly alike



We are also into physical fitness and properly sized shirts, as you can see everyone’s gut and belly button.

Im definatly not the guy in the 518 shirt

Dude, no one told me Jim was entering his car in the show!??!


That’s fucked up… :cry:

I mean at least Jim’s Neon has a turbo lol

It’s James Pickett, he’s a photographer, and a very good one at that.

I imssed this show.But i think Jim used to work at boomer back in the day.He is a cool mofo.

yes he did. a LONG time ago lol

look at the funny man!!! its actually be out 3x now this year. i think thats a record before june!

holy shit yea thats a long time ago.

and vlad, the only reason “you” got any good pics was because I spend 4 hours trying to salvage what I could. Governor Patterson could have even seen that they were pure white.

do tell…?

long story among our circle of friends… not worth posting out all the details… if you don’t know then don’t worry about it

this is a kingston car anyway

Great pics Vlad. Looked like a fun time!

Yeah the show was a good time, the ride back wasn’t impressive however. Tired to the bone and drowsing off while riding, and there was a major accident which added ~20 mins to the trip in the jam. It was entertaining to be in a jam with a harley rider however and just mingle while inching forward.

that and he followed me around getting the “proper” settings for the shots lol

Those shots didn’t need much touch up.

Pre-Kicklow shots however, well they are another story. :ahh