OD Off light

before when i started my car it used to flash on/off for a few seconds, now it lights up once then stays off. WHats the deal? oh ya OD button is always off

What…explain better for an attempt to be helped :wink:

Well isnt that normal that when the button is off the light is off?

yeah let me explain. true the light is off when OD is on. But at startup it blinks once. Before tho it used flash on and off for a few secs. Get it?

I checked what mine did and it comes on upon start-up and then goes off. I don’t know what would cause it to flash. Maybe some sort of diagnosis mode like for the HICAS? I’d say don’t worry about it, it’s working right now by the sounds of it :? Sorry bud, that’s all I got.

Dont worry, i figured it out. i don’t think its a big deal.