OEM Honda cd player

As title states, lookin for a single din oem Honda cd player for my eg. Lemme know if you have one. Thanks

no interest in the s2k player?

Possibly, bring it to the shop and ill swing by an check it out

M & m u pull it? Lmk I’m down to go if not I’ll look on eBay I say you should get a double din for the optional audio console lmk bro

still lookin…

Betting you’d have faster results just finding and buying one off eBay.

Ton of them on there and depending on what one you specifically want, they are pretty reasonable.

Think I have one but no code. 30 picked up in lockport.

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i just tossed my GSR radio…I think I still have my old civics though. Let me check tonight

It was a simple suggestion…:ham:

Tossed! Dang, Im picking up dirtye30’s ap1 radio today

Those are nice and have the amber backlight.

and steering wheel controls if youre super slick with it

Bah, I find myself not even using those.

Amber lit is gonna be nice with everything else in my car lighting up amber as well

Nick just get the s2k one fuck getting it from the yard that really sucked they wanted a steep price for it

got a radio today. thanks DirtyE30