Office Photo Hunt v. Little White Girls

I have a ton of hotties and quite a few pictures with said hotties. But I ain’t posting them here. Last thing I need is to answer to VP’s why pictures of their employees found their ways onto non-company websites.

Your VPs are on nyspeed?


ahahahaha :lol:

lol. look at the albums of his in his flickr. he has a photo set of him getting an apple tattoo. :lol:

this is a fail thread for day crew. if night crew had done this, they would have at least planned it out better. the pics would have been clearly from a camera phone of semi-attractive white girls in some sort of employment setting. granted, it all would have been found on google from the safety of their mother’s basement in between bouts of gnomes on world of warcraft, but still better orchestrated.

No, but the interns/hotties just might be. :snky:

Or the interns/hotties friends.

word. there’s way too many dudes on here from my work for me to be posting pics of the white girls.

the black girls maybe, but no one talks to them, and that’s not the point of this thread.

Well give me until at least tomorrow before this gets locked… Its freshman move in… so 17-19 year old girls. AND THERE WILL BE LOTS OF THEM

Don’t let me down.

I got the phone all charged up and ready to go… it should be good lighting tomorrow… so… Its going to be a good time :slight_smile:

Hmm, I was expecting so much more from this thread, unfortanatly I’ll have to X2 on no hotties In the workplace. :mad:

Im working on it now.

Is this one legit ???

im sure he has all her nudes to

:lol: i wish…

lets hope he doesnt

ugh, I can’t post here…

best I could do for “natural habitat”… turns out my camera is on night mode… fuck.

Said middle eastern chick.

good effort…you fail.