Official 09-10 Pens thread

Word is Mad Max may return tomorrow and Gonchar maybe by this weekend…and Letang should be close to return…TK should be close as well…things are looking good.

Mckee is out for 2-4 weeks now…finger infection. Great.

Ok it is getting obvious now. There is no way this many players are actually “hurt”. I am betting the Pens have a new trainer this season…which is hot and loves to give the players extra needed attention.

Yeah this injury list is out of control.

“Oh no, I seem to have hurt my back, which just happens to be on my dick…”

have you ever heard of prevenative measures? the team is playing it safe. we need to worry about having the guys at 100% at the end of the season, not now. yeah maybe they can keep going with their “injury” but why? with all the money the team has invested in them, a small time off to nurse a problem is a better way to go than a long time IR player.

Not to mention, have you ever played a somewhat competative contact hockey? hits on the ice are alot harder than they are looking on tv.

Man you are turning into an old man…it was a joke…calm down chief

I will say I have never seen this many injuries watching or playing sports.

i am getting old. im sore as fuck from playing tues night.

Gonchar should be back tonight…but odds are eaton will be out injured…back spasms.

I hold by my theory previously stated. I heard a rumor from an inside source that Alyonka is the new trainer and dudes can’t wait to get injured.

Damn… I know I wouldn’t mind pullign a muscle or four to have Alyonka going to work on me. Unfortunately I’m just a D-league roller hockey hack who will only get the male medic when I blow out my knee trying to skate after the puck. says that crosby left the skate today with a groin injury. :frowning: wtf can they keep the top 5 guys healthy?

sids out for tonights game

Tough loss, but CHI is a good team… still got a point out of it tho.

i was only able to catch parts of the blackhawks game. couldnt really complain about how the pens played. would have liked to get 2pts, but 1 is better than nothing. its still early

How many of you think that letting go of Luca Caputi was a bad idea…I’m watching Toronto and he is looking good.

I know in the <10 games he played here he looked solid, but it’s hard to get a good idea of if it was a bad trade until we see how he does in a few more games. Definitely is a talented kid, but wasn’t an integral part of another cup run like like Ponikarovsky hopefully will be.