Official 2007 NYC Auto Show Thread

I’m going… anyone else?

here are some teaser pics

do they get mad if you throw up on the cars there? ewwww…

another reason I wanna go to nyc… what date is this going on at?

I think it is the 6th or 7th until the 15th.

im mad that im missing it this year

going the 14th.

ill be there on the 10th.

<-- Not going, but will host pics for anyone that takes them on :smiley:

Here are some of the pics that I took - sorry my digital camera isn’t amazing, but it does the job for me :slight_smile: Maybe the bf will upload some better pictures later.

hottest cars there:


have to represent : P

Scion ricer love <3

Just for newman:

This car was outside where anyone can touch,scratch it. crazy

I love NY

great pics!! wish i could have gone to the show, looks you two had a great time :slight_smile:

The tonneau cover on the CR looks great…wonder how much that costs?

Any more pics of the 57 ???

i wanna gooooooooo