Don’t assume that I meant that this was what democrats want. I said liberal not democrats. Trust me I know what the dems agreed too. And it pisses me off.

As far as NCLB is concerned, it was terrible legislation from the get go. And by holding schools accountable you mean take away there funding, yeah that will work. There are far too many problems that these schools face that is out of thier control yet they are made responcible for them.

As far as Gitmo is concerned, everyone of them should be put on trial and if found guilty be put in federal prisons. So far the only thing we have done has said that our constitution means shit. If we’re supposed to be the beacons of light we’re supposed to be then why do we have stalinist style prison camps. I thought we were trying to spread freedom around the world.

And typo on the 5 year fuel eceonomy, I meant 10, which is achievable.