Here’s my problem… 66% already go to college. Of that 34% that don’t how many of them really have a shot at handling a college course load? How many aren’t going simply because they can’t afford it? Hell, the poorer you are the more financial aid you can get. Of that small percentage that isn’t going only because they can’t afford it how many will actually have the motivation to do something when they get there?
Most of the people arguing for this are college educated with enough drive that they are pretty successful, so maybe it’s hard for them to realize there are some people who will never do more than work service level jobs their whole lives. Not because college wasn’t paid for by the government but because they simply do not have the drive and work ethic needed to spend the time furthering their education and career. Then there are some who simply don’t think they need to make a lot of money to be happy. They don’t want multiple cars and big houses and probably live happier lives than most of us.
Not everyone is smart and financially motivated.
College worked for you for a reason and not because Obama thought it would make him feel good if the tax payers paid for it.