Obama himself:

"As I said just understand the context. Nobody reached out to the Canadians to try to reassure them. They reached out, unbeknownst to the rest of us, they reached out to Mr. Goolsbee who provided them with a tangible conversation and repeated what we’ve said on the campaign trail, which is that we belive in trade with Canada. We believe in trade with Mexico; we think the terms of NAFTA have to be altered, so that the labor standards and the environmental standards are enforceable. But there’s nothing more there. I have said repeatedly that I believe that NAFTA should be rengotiated. This is not a new posititon; it dates back many years. During my U.S. Senate campaign, I was criticized for taking this position. It’s been well reported; it hasn’t altered, which stands in contrast to Sen. Clinton’s position, which has altered substantially. "