I’m sorry for your loss, individual troops may have success stories here and there but if the overall war is lost then it was a waste. I understand the need to make thier deaths mean somthing, no one wants to think thier lives were wasted, they served thier country but they should never have been there in the first place, your uncle included.

I don’t understand how you can sit there and watch your friends go off to war to not come back given the pretences as to why they are there. We were lied to. We were told that Iraq was behind 9/11 and that Saddam had or was trying to make WMD’s and were a threat to us. Niether were true.

If you really thought this through, looked at what is actually happening, you should be more upset than me. I have not lost anyone in this war and I’m still pissed that its happening.

How can you sit there after loosing friends over there and not want to scream at Bush and Cheny and Rumsfeld and Rice?! With all the evidence that has shown that this war was a mistake how can you still defend them? Its people like you that give such blind support to Bush that allow him to keep sending young men and women over to that hell hole.