Checking in, still alive. Not worth getting worked up until we’re at least down to 2 candidates. Honestly, I’m going to try to moderate myself in the political threads this year because it’s simply not worth arguing with people who make such stupid comments as “I’m voting for who ever the democrat candidate is because I don’t like Bush and all Republicans = Bush”. :bloated: I look forward to some good debate with informed people like Joe, and will probably end up adding a lot of other people to my ignore list.

I will say this as to the primary stuff though. Watching how the field is basically eliminated by a tiny minority of people in a couple key early primary states makes me sick about how flawed the system is.

And yes, I laughed my ass off watching Hilldog cry about losing Iowa. That’s just the kind of leadership this country needs; someone who will break down in tears over losing a straw poll.