im not racist or prejudist or any of that but, unfortunately this world we live in is. i just dont think the world is ready for a female or a blace president. the united states has always had a white christian male president.

Well unfortunately our white Christian male president hasn’t been doing the best of jobs…
But then again, It takes the whole government to make shit go right…so it’s not all his fault

as a republican, well… um… reactionary, im discrased by the decisions our government has been making.

Honestly I know where your coming from but I think when the campaign really gets underway and the debates start, you’ll see that most Americans are ready for a change.

If McCain wasn’t following in the footsteps of one of if not the worst president ever I don’t think people would be craving for change like they are.

Although there are retards out there they can’t get over the following:

  1. Obama’s name
  2. Believe that he’s a Muslim (which shouldn’t make a difference), or
  3. The fact that he’s black (even though his mom is white),
  4. They think he was trained as a terrorist because his 1st-
    4th grade education was in jakarta (even though his 5th-College
    education was righ here in the US)

Sometimes it pisses me off that these people’s vote counts as much as mine.

agreed… awesome point people kill me man

i was all for john edwards though (i KNOW he cheated on his wife, but every president has) but the media focused on “the first ever black or woman president”. he got minimal to no air time. i’m voting obama because he’s the better person for the job. this country has a messed up system. we get a choice between 2 people essentially. i remember this website:

it was all about how john kerry sucked but he was better than bush. i’m not saying obama sucks haha but i’m sure there are better candidates out there.

Barrack “baby killer” Obama 2008

I gotta hear Joe defend this, especially after Obama was caught lying about it a few days ago.
Whether you are pro choice or not how can you support killing a baby that is out of the mother?
This guy is FUCKED UP in the head!
He is the ONLY one that fought for this and voted 3 times for it!!!

I don’t really support McCain that much but my God how can anyone vote for this nut job Obama.
God help this country if he gets elected.


OMG give me a fucking break Joe.
Do you live a in a total vacuum?

Seriously AWD… go move into your NWO proof bunker and sever your ties with the outside world. Ever since that idiot Ron Paul got eliminated you’ve believed every radical right email you’ve seen.


On a positive note, I see depending on which poll you look at McCain is either ahead, tied, or within one point of Obama.

resisting abortion joke


Obama used the roe vs wade BS but one of the bills he voted against had provisions to protect roe vs wade.
He is a fucking dirtbag why would anyone defend this asshole?
Further more take away his tele-promptor(sp) and he is as bad as Bush!
He is a fucking tard.

Jay - You and Joe continue to be the sheep they want.

^ I didn’t say I like him, but I won’t spread lies about him. We as Republicans have plenty of ammo to use on him without going to lies.

I finally got around to watching their debate/sitdown what ever you want to call it and I’m really looking forward to the debates now.

Me too…i’m excited to see them get asked questions at the same time




I don’t believe McCain heard the questions ahead of time any more than I believe Obama is a baby killer.

I dunno…I’m not saying he got a feed, i’m just saying blackberrys, etc…

Yeah. What sucks is we’ll never know. I guess it doesn’t matter. McCain supporters will believe he never heard them, Obama supporters will believe he did hear them, and the undecideds will continue to be too stupid to do the homework themselves to learn about the real issues and choose a side based on what the candidates actually stand for.

Why do you think there are so many distractions out there by the Republicans?

McCain can’t win on the issues.

I’ve never seen a politician that could