I turned it off at 7-0
Yeah I was gone at 6 - 0… Got home at 2 and throw on the Sports Center and im like wtf is this shit… What a silly game
Questionable move by the Tampa manager walking Bay to get to Drew, but i guess u have to go with the lefty/lefty percentages.
That 2 out Longoria error is really what cost them the game.
i felt as thuogh that lefty lefty appearance was a bit subtle, but a bit apt as well. consistently though through out the season, tampa bay and management has pushed for these kinds of match ups. only about 23% of the time does it work. and this time it did not. i believe tampa will take it at home though
ughhhh IHBSM
my question is … why did Tampa pull kazmir after the 6th inning… he was doing great
Go rays. sooo glad they are going… I hope they dont lose to the phillies, or my g/f will make me hear it for eternity.
Doh, that was the worst game 7 ever, what a let-down (not the outcome, the game was boring as shit).
I’ll be rooting for the Phil’s since my good buddy is a fan, will be a good story if the Rays win though. I can’t wait until they play next year and Beckett hits Bartlett in the face with a fastball.
Waaaaaaah wahhh wahhh
Boring?? Redsox had bases loaded in the 8th… Tampa went through 4 pitchers in one inning and Boston in the 9th had a chance to tie it. Def. not a boring game IMO.
A boring game was the Bucks and Seahawks.
I almost turned it off after that inning, I knew that was really their best shot. I still think it was boring, despite both starting pitchers having almost totally dominating performances, I just wasn’t very captivated by it. I suppose I would be singing a different tune had the outcome been reversed :mamoru:
Go phils!!!
wow phils bandwagon AND bills bandwagon, are u outta CONTROL :meh:
haha far from it man, yankees fan here, it would be nice to see the phils win.
is it me…or is the fucking cowbell the most annoying thing EVER in tampa.
what the fuck is the point???
go rays.
Btw, that was the worst god bless america I’ve ever heard.
I just wanna know where the other 20,000 rays fans came from?