Official RedSox vs. Yankees 4 game series thread

Bring it bitches



yanks will sweep the drunks from baston

Gonna be a great series, Boston “should” take 3/4

ohsnap homo in the red shirt, which one of you fools paid that guy?


hey which channel?

70 here in buff

YES network

got it… all tied up


what now bitches :slight_smile:

Yeah that was Teh Ghey

Should have posted up, as soon as I saw Schling was actually pitching, I was like “yeah this game is over” and I didn’t mean in Bostons favor


That was teh suck.

  1. They should have gotten 3 outs via the tag preventing the tie
  2. There should have been some swings instead of just staring at 7 pitches in the next inning.
  3. Regardless of what side you are on, that ump shoulda been shot. wtf kinda calls were those?

Gay-rod hit’s Schilling’s weak flat splitter… I wish it would have been his best splitter but I will take it.

Gay-rod hit’s Schilling’s weak flat splitter… I wish it would have been his best splitter but I will take it.

yankees 1
suxky sox 0

series 1-0


Way to go giving Walter ammo for their losing game tomorrow… :mad: :wink:

lol red light didnt look to hot!!!

ump sucked the whole game, first few innings zone was tight, last few innings, zone was 10 feet wide.

ohh well, 1.5 back

ohh yeah, one more thing. Mo made boston hitters look silly, 3ks. Guess those 2 blown saves in april mean shit now huh.

ERA now under 1 for the best closer ever!!!



Mariano is one of the best closers ever, if not THE best. And who cares about the 2 blown saves in April. I think the blown saves in October mean a hell of a lot more.


All that matters :mamoru:

I still cringe every time Rivera comes in, eventually he’ll get hit by a bus or something. I didn’t expect anything from Schilling when he came in, it seemed like a poor play IMO, Timlin should have stayed in, but it’s not that big a deal.