So... yea... this is kinda funny....


Boston5142.548-26-1825-24509455Won 13-7
NY Yankees5042.543.529-1921-23511473Lost 17-3
Baltimore5043.538127-2023-23452432Lost 16-4
Toronto4647.495524-2022-27460411Won 14-6
Tampa Bay3263.3372020-2612-37424579Lost 15-5

That was so yesterday… Baseball history doesn’t mean shit man…


We are in first place today, suck it up

Yankee fan idiocy doesn’t count as “Baseball History” :gay:

you’ll be back down there soon enough

waited a whole day for that response didnt ya

those are the best smilies :):slight_smile:

uh, I waited until I was on the internet, yes…

should I have run home and stopped what I was doing to post on the internet faster for you? :poke:

Haha Walter. I knew when I read that this morning you would be posting on here. But seriously, how many of there Yankee vs. Redsox threads does there have to be?

Baseball sucks, get a new past time.

See like i said yesterday now that the Shitsox are in 1st place they are the greatest team evar…but when its the Yankees you say they wont be there for long…so the quote u took from me just proves ur stupidity…cause i bet the 1st place lead changes about 40 more times before the redsox lose in teh playoffs and have another 80 year World Series drought

I’m going to punch you in the crotch when I see you.


There’s only 2 thread, 1 for the series, and then 1 to point out the idiocy when they got all wet in the panties about being in first 2 weeks after the break :ugh:

You illiterate fool.

I said it was funny because of your dumb ass comments.

I don’t think I did any “ha ha YANKKES SUCK IT SMELLS SO GOOD IN FIRST PLACE” dance like the rest of your idiot friends who got huge boners about being in first for a day.

“I guess there never was a curse”

“Boston just sucked for 85 years”

lol gotta love ebay


or waited until the sux were back in first place :gotme:

You make no sense.

Sox still in first, O’s are slipping.

Not like it matters, someone would have to end up like 10 games out to really put themselves out of contention at this point.

Yeah this is a stupid close race

the sense is that you didnt post the whole day the yankees were in first

only to return the minute the bosux were back there

makes sense to me :gotme:

I posted plent you clown.

Here, click this, I’m sick of dealing with your idiocy.

HAHHAHAHA!! :rofl: