**Official Baseball Playoffs Thread**

ive been a braves fan since i was like 7, partly cuz they were always on.
how can u say they are the bills of baseball, at least they have been somewhat sucessful in that they have been to the playoffs so many by years ina row minus this year, that comment was just pure ignorance.

ok im changing cards in 7 for you haterzzzzzz

game on at 8 tonight?

lol ignorance my ass, they been to the playoffs for 11 years straight and get only 1 WS out of it?, they suck, plain and simple. must be the weak-ass NL east they are in. just getting to the playoffs is not sucessful, winning the WS is.

If im not mistaken they had a few WS trips too which they lost.

Sorry nothing personal, im just not a braves fan.

yankees are over halfway there.
0-6 since 2000 :slight_smile:

the weak nl east that 3 teams were in playoff contention till the end of the yeAR? weak league not division we have a decent division
just because they havent won any championships
how many championships have the mets won since the braves came in to the nl east?
yankess are what 5 years removed?

i dont think if u make the playoffs much less win the divi u suck
and they usually won it by “buss lengths” if u will

I just wanna see wright have a stellar postseason

like, retardedly stellar

he will, he’s remarkably clutch & calm for a young player.

game on 7:35 PM tonite.

braves suck…this year. they didnt suck when they won what, 13? 14? some rediculous shit like that of division titles. yankees have only won what, 9 straight AL titles? got a ways to go.

i was disappointed by the braves this year. having a huge lead since the first week of the season is nice, but i also wanted to pwn the braves in some close meaningful games but…whatever ill take this

What your forgetting tho toda, is during those 9 years they won 4 WS, the braves in 14 years won 1

either way, its about time the mets finally kicked them out of first!!

well how could they when u guys were pwning their brown. if u guys werent around, they woudl’ve won a lot more i think.

maddux, glavine, smoltz, avery.

fucking sick rotation

Those tigers are playing some mean baseball! They are just overpowering teams in every way possible…

Can’t wait to watch the game tonight then I’ll be able to tell who will take the NL

yeah tigers are looking good. i hope this WS is gonna be the 2 managers of the year going at it (leyland vs randolph) altho girardi should be considered as manager of the year for NL too but… man willie won w/ how many different starting P’s this year i think he’s gonna get it

That’s the sickest pitching rotation in baseball, ever.

weather does not look good right now…steady rain. 3 hrs till game time tho so we’ll see…

mets 1: cards: 0

fuck the rain delay allowing carpenter another day’s rest. fuck. we’ll see what happens today, if we take today, i see a possible sweep, but realistically i think carp’s gonna pull one off tonight…fucking bastard…mets in 5, sweep 3 straight after tonight

great game by glavine, i dunno tho, the mets didnt look good against weaver, and thats not a good sign.

haha, doesnt matter if u win by an inch or a 2run bomb by mr. new era october, winning is winning.

this is post season baseball…even the shittiest pitchers try hard… i mean look at kenny rogers lol…

i’ll judge how the mets O is after tonight vs carpenter. if we hammer carpenter i can see us sweeping WOOOOOO

I’m surprised by Weaver’s post season pitching so far. His brother isn’t showing him up anymore.

How great would it be for met’s fans if they went against the Tigers and Rogers walks in a run with the bases loaded to lose the game?

I would convert to buddhism and totally believe in karma. i’d already have reached nirvana thanks to rogers’ walk.

i was surprised by weaver too…good thing good ol tommy G shut them overrated pos no offense triple A cards out

I would shit diamonds from laughing so hard and compressing my shit with so much pressure.