*official BBQ pics thread*

bs that would be me

thats 1/2 of this forum

Since I’ve had several people ask what happend to me…

I had a blown oil line that feeds my supercharger. I thought it was fixed (and it was) but noticed oil leaking on the road again as we pulled out from twizted’s house. I pulled over and booked it home.

I was wondering why you stopped right when we were about to leave


yeah thats no good :tdown:

oil is overrated anyway

I never saw you there Chris…did you leave early?

looked like fun :tup: too bad I missed it, oh well…

we were there till 830

yea what he said :stuck_out_tongue:

come to think of it i didn’t see you there either heh

I was off to the side most of the day keeping the GF company so i didn’t get yelled at for making her go to a “car” function lol

you gotta teach her to love “car stuff” too :wink:

heh, good luck lol

it was hard enough to convince her to get rid of her POS sunfire and buy a Tc

Good Times ~ Nice Pics everyone

no pictures from Onyx or video yet?

I do believe that he’s still catching up on kill vid’s… :gotme:


yeah, i’m actually kinda disappointed. no more pics?

http://www.sonikempire.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10026/normal_Picture_120.jpghere’s a couple, have yet to upload any of the others i took


skunk wheres ur pics?

theres gotta be more pics than this…

I Just got back from being out of town. I will post my pics up in a few min.