Official: Beer thread

WTF p00r PJB why does every get him?


you heard lies

dude dont be asshamed of butt funneling it gets you drunker faster

Double Penetration Butt-funnel? One in the mouth one in the ass? :ahh

Yup, you cant give the shit away either. I always ask if anyone wants a Pabst or Schaefer, no one ever does.

i figured i would crack a joke cause every time someone makes a joke about him raping or molesting kids he flipps and gets butthurt, and this time he didnt go for it :shifty highly disapointed

Well a couple here or there doesnt hurt anyone BUT when its constant its like WTF…BUT everything should be in good fun and moderation

The last time I drank Pabst was a bad night. Theres things I still dont remember from that night.
Work was awesome the next day on 4 hours of sleep and a wicked hangover too.

I saw the other thread, and I was curious…

I like the Sam Seasonals for with a meal.

But if I am playing Beerpong or just pounding beer to get drunk, Stewarts Mountian Brew! $3 for a 6 pack. And tastes better than Beast Ice.

I drink everything, but rolling rock at the moment.

cold, wet

Blue Moon if Im feeling classy. PBR otherwise. :lol

KEYSTONE /thread

Stewarts Mountain Brew is the shit! So cheap and so good.

I’m not really too much of a beer guy. Had magic hat #9 the other night, that was good. Usually just drink bud, or bud lime.

Rolling rock.

When I’m doing it big…

Like TT state I’ll drink any beer as long as it cold, but I prefer Blue Moon or some variant of Sam Adams.

Silver Bullet for kicking back & downing while on the water or at sporting events

Becks or Francis Conner Weiss beer for everything else

FYI: Mountain Brew is rebadged Milwaukee’s best.