Official: Beer thread

:+1 For ommegang!!!

Aldog has the right idea!!!

Dogfish 120 I think it was is a good one! Put it in the coldest part of the fridge/cooler ahead of time. Pour a small glass, like a rock glass (chill that bitch too) of it at a time. Its heavy, kind of, extremely flavorful… and %18+ so it will knock your socks off! It will honestly take you about 3 hours to get through the bottle, thats why you keep it in the fridge and just pour it in a frosted mug or glass.

also the Burton Baton is a good IPA, nowhere near as strong as the 120, but a cool taste.

DogFish has like 50 different beers to their name! could spend all summer trying them!

Also, tonight is Pumpstation for my birthday! I cant wait!

Scooped this up earlier in the week.

Ommegang’s stuff is awesome!

I like trying new stuff though.

corona’s for summer only, sams octoberfest for fall. Mountian brew for pong.


I don’t know what it is about them but I have yet to come across one I like!

cus u a little girl

Good one PJB…

No cus I like more malt flavored beers…IPA’s are way too hoppy to me.

and wear a dress


Coming from the one who wont eat carbs b/c he doesnt wanna ruin his girlish figure!

ive eaten more carbs this week than Sully did all year!

PBR/Blue Light if I’m being cheap or getting hammered. One of WNY’s micro brews if I want something nicer.

Miller Lite more or less until October when I buy Sam and Spaten Oktoberfest.

It puts a smile on my face to see so many other Pabst fans here.

Other shit I usually drink:

Old English
Amstel Light
Blue Moon

im eating all the carbs i can, and since its so hot and my car, apt, and work have no ac, my weight stays where it is lmao

i went but didnt make it in time for the tour, might have to go down there in a few weeks, coincidentally theres this little whore that lives a few min away

Drinking some Ommegang Rare Vos right now, very good beer but not really in my wheelhouse.

Was wondering when someone would mention Spaten, hard to go wrong with one of their beers usually. Brooklyn brewery pennant ale is great as well as most of their beers.

I’m currently enjoying a delicious Stewarts Mountian Brew!
