**Official** Grand Prix of Toronto Pics/vids/Stories thread

the big slice ftmfw

hahah… the big slice. That was good shit.

oh… andy…

should you, newman and I go on the street of TO, find some papers on the street, roll them up with nothing in it, and try to sell it again :slight_smile: :rofl:

^ bump to remember some great times this past summer and get people pumped for the next Grand Prix Toronto!




i forgot all about that :rofl:



if i hear that shit again this year… i will lose it

hey skunk how about that club josh led us too. haha

and you being completely plastard leaving the shitties club and fallign asleep in the cab :lol:

which one… the one we all went to?

where a can of beer was like $37

yeah, i couldn’t figure out for the longest time who i took the cab with. It was with you and your girl right?

I remember the walk to the club. We didnt know how far it was… it ended up being like a 10 mile hike LOL. then bing trying to jump over cars and just falling on his ass :lol:

lmao, remeber the guy that was like demanding to buy it lol. oh. and someone needs to keep me away from the hot dog vendors if i get drunk again


dude… you kept buying hot dogs every block. Then you convinced the vendor you gave him a bigger bill… so didn’t he actually pay you?? HAHAHA

yes yes, i did get more money back than what i gave him, and i belive i bought myself and u a hot dog with my winnings lol


indeed you did my good man. indeed you did.

For those of you who havent seen this, and considering coming up for the 2007 event (keep in mind, less rice this year), bump.

Pics start on Page 3 I believe.

i am sooo ojacked for this…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

this is going to PWN heads.

i can guarantee that this will be THE nyspeed.com event of the year.

wow…i forgot how much fun we had last year.

all i want to do is roam the streets of TO at 3am with newman and andy again HAHAHAHA

This. was. The shit. :tup: