Official HEATERZZZZZZZ Thread!!!!

Drew give me a ring and we’ll get some shots :tup:

Sounds great Josh. I will get at you in 3-5 days. Might bring out both cars for some terror.


<3 newmans e30

this is from a couple years ago but damnit, i need to start doing more heaters. soon i hope.

Cougar speed…your car rules! watched your burnouts and drifts at chilli’s no fucks were given at chilli’s lol


I have a bunch more, but I don’t think they are online.

So whose the guy that needed to adjust his boner after seeing that?

yeah newman i also thought your burn-out was a might pussy-ish

i believe that was before the line lock was put in. i don’t have any other ones on video.

My camera shoots in 1080p if anyone wants hi def burnouts

Yes please!

for the record, that started in 2nd gear and went into 3rd.

  • SW

Here is a forum Supra from Carlisle a few years ago.

i need rwd

I dont think i have a burnout vid i have a pic but thats about it :frowning:

Pic works!

Explore Rob McDonald

This was the SR’d 240 a couple of years ago.

awesome thread… makes me wish i owned something with ls power :-/