official hyperlapse thread.

the app is pretty intelligent… it’s not like it’s recording video nonstop, I bet the rate is less than 1gb for 30 mins.

Cool app…too bad my iPhone 4 only can do 10 minutes at a time.

a little ride back home in the snow

good stuff… they’re always amusing even nothing crazy happens.

some tunnel and bridge action around pittsburgh

so many bridges! I’m also convinced that 90% of men watching these would have made all the same moves/lane changes etc, where as women would all have very different ideas about each decision point.

i did one of these while driving back from lunch the other day with my wife and she wanted to see what it looked like afterwards. when she saw it in the sped up version she said “see watching this just proves my point that you change lanes way too much to get around traffic” me - “you were in the car! and it is 10x faster than reality.”

people are brutal with their left lane abuse around the city though. there are so many exit and entrance ramps for different sides and weird lane merges that people get in the lane they want 3 miles from now and just sit there.

i need to come into the city from the western side. the tunnel/bridge/city sequence is a lot more impressive and more infrastructure-porny

I thought this was going to be a thread on Flowmotion, alas I was mistaken. Here’s a Flowmotion video anyway: