dont you hate it when this happens :vid inside"meditation+on+the+speed+limit"

this is where owning a bike… although potentially deadly > owning a car…

rofl at the van in the video… and the cars cresting the hilll…
truly amazing

I’m pretty sure this is a repost…sorry dude.


i suck at life i guess… damn…

^^nevar saw it… :lol: thats fuckin awesome, nuthin would ever come from that though

well…if they did that every day during rush hour…I would expect change after about a month…lol

do u think they could write tickets for doing the speedlimit in every lane?

i’m sure there could be tickets given but it is a interesting “study” but it only proves my thinking that raising speeds would increase safety, this was proven in SC when they raised their limit to 70 on several highways.