Utah Raises Speed Limits (in some places)

This will NEVER happen in the northeast as our roads and general areas are FAR too populated. It’s not flat and straight like most of the midwest.

I still think large chunks of 90 west of Albany, most of 88, and 87 north of Lake George should at least be bumped to 70-75.

our highways were built to the same standard as the autobahn…they can easily handle 80mph speed limits. obv they would never do it in populated cities, but do you not realize how straight the thruway is in the western part of the state?

reason they wont do it yet, public is still idiots and think slow = safe, as long as the speed limits are slow = more money from speeding tickets for people not driving recklessly.

Hey that’s pretty cool. I’m in Salt Lake City right now but the highways are 55 or 65. Last year I traveled out to some rural areas around here and they could definitely use it. I was just in New Mexico and they have some that are 75mph.

Didn’t know that about the specs it was built too. :tbu I know out west it starts to really clear up, but I was referring to like most of northern 95, the garden state, near NYC/Boston, etc.

Driver education in the states is piss poor.

When I was engaged to that girl in VA and was going down there all the time, nothing pissed me off more than the left lane cruisers who REFUSE (after blinking lights, horn, tail gating, etc. - I did this on purpose one trip to see the number of people that would move out of the way after using common techniques we use here in the north) to move over. It was mind boggling.

NY has been voted the worst driving state for a couple years now, hasn’t it? People here can’t drive :lol

This article is dead on…

I’m happy to see this happening. I just watched the documentary the article cites the other day. It’s worth a watch if you haven’t seen it. It’s 15 min but it goes quick bc it’s entertaining.

787 speed limit should be at least 90

i did a research paper on raising the speed limits back in 12th grade. that was one of the things i found out, as well as the ideal speed limit for least amount of crashes is 75. i would not like to see no speed limits until we actually educate drivers instead of just throwing licenses at them like they found them in cereal boxes.

“Oh you have about $90, can parallel park behind one car, and do a 3 point turn all while confined to a residential neighborhood? Here have this card that let’s you drive a 3000lb missle wherever you’d like!”

my truck doesnt like anything over like 60. starts vibrating like hell. i really need to do the carrier bearing.

but i hear they did bump the permit minimum wait time to one year.

Shit they haven’t told us about that yet haha. As far as we know it’s still 6 months. But it has been in the works to bump it to a year for a while now and it does look like they are really trying to push for it. :ninja

oh yeah lol i forgot you were the official DMV guy. i heard through a friend of mine. whose information isnt always correct.

i have a question for you though. my front plate got the shit beaten out of it when i stuffed my truck into a tree a few weeks ago. it’s still in one piece, and can be read, but alot of the paint got torn off the numbers. is that something i could get pulled over for?

Short answer is yes. It would be considered mutilated. But if it’s still legible and you don’t encounter a total dick officer you should be fine. It all comes down to how damaged it is. Is it paint falling off down to the bare metal? Or just the clear plastic like coating peeling off?

in a couple spots the plate is bare metal, but it’s still perfectly legible.