Official MEET: Thursday August 27, 2009

illl be there with my camera, might be a little time for some pics before it gets stupid dark

I should be able to make this one.

I will be there…

Nope. My nissan is parked lol.

why parked?

I’m gonna try and make this

cannot make it, last minute plans, the boss is taking me out for dinner since i looked after his shop while he was gone ! :slight_smile:

I will probably swing by.

meet was alright… but i think there was tooo many ppl…

:lol: You mean,:22:…lol.


Sorry guys. I had forgotten earlier that my parents are in town staying with us this weekend so wife & I were in major house cleaning mod last night.

I have nothing to say… Well Positive lol

hold on hold on… there was actually MORE RWD cars this time!!! OMG!:thumbup:

it was even … 2x maxima’s, 1x sentra SE-R vs 1x240, 1x350z, 1x370z


hmmm damn… yes apprently i wasnt thinking… lol does ryans maxima count?


Is there another meet this Thursday? I couldn’t make last week’s. But I think that I can make this week’s meet (if it’s on Thursday). Please… anyone with details?

Hey Guys,

I’m done setting meets up this year. The lack of turnout just isn’t worth it for me and maybe 2 others standing around. If you would like to set up an un-official meet feel free and I’ll show up but as of now there will not be an Official N-E-C-C meet until the end of the season.

This event already happened on August 27. Post up a new one in the events section. :biggrin: