Anybody wanting to pay for the BBQ Ill be there tomorrow from 10-11 or maybe later depending on the weather. $15 , I more then likely will not have change until later in the nite
weathers looking good tonight… i work till 11… then ill most likely head up on the new hotness… anybody else in?
im sure a bunch of us will roll up to mighty after street warzzzzzz…i cant wait to see that new bike, shit looks tiiiiiiiiiiiight in the pics…
itll prolly be around 1130 by the time i get up there… but ill be there…
yea “race warzzzzzz” gets done around 11 so by the time we roll up it’ll prob be about 11:30 or so…
yea “race warzzzzzz” gets done around 11 so by the time we roll up it’ll prob be about 11:30 or so…
word… see ya there… race wars? im out of the loop lol
race wars/retard ricers up at lancaster…just an excuse to make fun of the tool bags with the picnic table spoilers and disgusting looking body kits on their 17 sec cars…and they have a bikini contest so thats always a:tup: we’re just hoping that one the kids runs w/ his neons/strobes on and runs his car into the wall/another ricer lol
special thankls to skrapper and his punting skills
omfg that was AWESOME
man what a waste of a 40
good cruise fella’s…some good runs as well…justin sorry about your DP, lol tractor TSI ftw! we’ll see whats goin on 2night after lancaster is done, im not going to be able to make it to the track 2night because of work but i’ll be up at mighty eventually…sal? joe? you guys down?
OT: Did you intend on making your username “coryishere”? Just curious.
Why do we get the BIG red :tdown: ?
Cause you didn’t wanna come out last night.
And, my downpipe is fixed, much thanks to Choko. He rewelded that like a pro. It looks great. No more tractor tsi.
hmmm actually yea i did, c-roy is a nickname and i couldnt come up with anything clever so hence my name on here…
hmmm yea pretty sure i intended for my name to be what it is…c-roy is a nickname i got…and im pretty sure i know how to spell my own name, i do it everyday…i couldnt really think of anything clever to use so hence the name you see on here…
tractor TSI is no more? lol it did sound kinda badass when you took off tho…
special thankls to skrapper and his punting skills
that was hilarious
anybody going up tonight… im bored, and it seems like a nice night
cal just got his downpizzle in the mail so we’re gonna be bolting that sum bitch on, how long it’ll take:gotme: nobody knows…we were gonna try and get out there eventually…smaybe go on a cruise later?