*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

its gonna rain that day


Thats a bummer, today I found out I hate the rain. Lets just say dirt really sticks out on black rims with a machined lip. :meh2:

haha, who cares if your rims are dirty or not all you gotta do is take 3 minutes to wipe them with a wet wash cloth and theyre brand new again.

True that, I just felt like bitching about something. :lolham:

Tonight should be fantastic, Anyone?

im thinking about showing up, its really super nice out. :slight_smile:

yea count me in for tonight…my bad about the other night justin…i wanted to do some runs to see how much faster you are than me this year :cry: i was just super pissed about my non working headlights lol…there fixed so i’d be down to do a couple runs tonight…anyone else gonna head up tonight??

I’m down prolly

think you guys will still be up there around 11? lol i work till then if its still nice i might wanna head up

I think we will.

yea we were there til about 11:30 the other night and thats only because no one wanted to crooze for some reason…it was cold as shit though…hopefully we can get a big group to crooze and possibly do some runzzzzz on zee highway

I’m there. I’m feeling much better. No more sickness, yay!

i miss mighty meets…


^ ohhhh girl lol

yeah…hopefully ill make it up to mighty at some point to hang out this summer


If i can get JDMjunkie to go to go where in, my car isnt being finished as quickly as I would have liked

id be down.

gotta move in tonight tho…

I’m down

that shit can wait…all you need is a bed even though you can get away with a matress on the flo yo lol…bring the yota!