*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

yeah, ill be up there around 10ish

Who knows why we still ask… But is anyone going up tonight?

just maybe

ok since its offically sunday, We doing mighty sunday night or is taffy’s this week???

orjust another taffys—>mighty run :stuck_out_tongue: You cant deny it, mighty has a hold on us all.


laser tron 830?

fucking lazertron can suck a dick

funny I was going for a ride real quick to goto a :snky: garage on elmwood and it just happen that it rained right when I got in my truck and everyone else left :lolsign:

I’m deffinatly busy monday night, but anyone up for a meet on tuesday night, or you all going to go out and get smashed?

I’m deffinatly busy monday night, but anyone up for a meet on tuesday night, or you all going to go out and get smashed?

any one gonna be out tonight?

i’ll stop out…

i was just there and no1 was there

whos going today as in the 5th? ill stop out after i get outta work at 9 30 .


There is always some poeple there after S&R cruise night. I work till 10, so I’ll be there for sure by 10:30pm at the latest :gotme:

I’ll be up after roller hockey, 10:45ish.

i’ll swing by again tonight :slight_smile:

I’ll stop up.

Good turn out after the S+R cruise night :tup: . Nice meeting the few new people I met today. We had some nice runs also. . . :tup: :tup: