*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

Anybody going up tonight?

c’mon folks…gorgeous night…lets pick this up a little bit…

i might come out…

oh wait, i’ve blown up both of my cars already this season. Nevermind, i guess i’ll just sit here for the next few months…unless somebody wants to pick me up :slight_smile:

id pick you up sexiii

lol andy you pathetic bastard…where abouts do you live?

transmarojawn … whats the whole jawn about? its either transmarobird or trans am


chris its time to change the sig

yea i didnt even bother asking what that shits about because its probably a street elementzzz thing…sounds pretty :gay: if you ask me…

edit: sorry kevin, <3

and don’t worry about it corey…i’m still recovering from earlier…prob just gonna sit in and sulk for a few days, and try to figure out where to go from here. i have a few bottles that will help me calm my nerves too…and i dont have to worry about DWI’s when i have no cars!

uhh ohh you involved street elements … inb4hetrystotellyoutheybrokeuplikeaboyband

and i would have to say it is a awesome street elements thang i’d bet

I think I’m heading up there shortly, if I don’t see anyone I’ll cruise to SG, if I don’t see anyone there I’ll be upset for using gas but happy to enjoy the warm night.

decent turn out last night…good to see some old faces showing up!

I went to a different meet last night, got to see a Skyline or 2…plus like 5 truckloads of the new Dodge Challengers drive by the lot. That was hot.

I’m here… anybody coming out?

I must have just missed you /… I was there with a group of Tiberons… having fun picking on them… :confused: I got out of the evo the first thing they said to me was “thats a HOTT car to bad its not a Tiberon…” I’m like WTF…

Ugh… I’m definitely not going then… I was gonna stop by for some food quick…


lol we drove by and seen that hot meet there too :bloated:

I think I seen you’re car rolling down union tonight with a couple of other mustangs and the yellow evo. If my internet knowledge serves me right I believe it is Sphinx’s car? All sounded badass :tup: