*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

weather looks like shit for tonight, i doubt it as of now. if it gets decent i may head up, but not till like 10:30ish-10:45ish cause i dont get outta work til 10

if its decent out and im bored i might

weather depending and wat my friend decides to do

should b there tonight… somebody with a cam be up there :tup:

beck, crazylt1 lets do it tonight :tup:

Im without a car, and I am supposed to have plans with some people…

i might swing up. ill see how plans pan out tonight, id like to get to know a few of you guys i havent met yet. so if i show up feel free to say hi and make fun of my car like everyone else lol.

i might be free…along with my room mate and his saab. we’re gonna try to throw an open air filter on it quick to see if we can actually hear the turbo lol

mayb…depends on the weather and what other plans i have for tonight.

going to movie if weather decent after iam in

What movie are you going to see?

im working a group of my car buddies into comin up weather permitting. prolly gonna show up around 10 if anyone else wants to head up there.

its still like a mist out :wtf:

be and my friends will prolly still show up and at least chill inside and get a bite to eat if its a mist. straight rain forget about it though.

I’ll be there

im thur, what time u gonna be up there 01audis4?

Oh you guys kill me. wah wah wah its misting outside, my car might turn into a fucking pumpkin…quit ur bitchin Cinderella and B THURRR!!


me and my buddys should be there around 10ish

i’ll prob swing up around 10:30

I might come out with the camaro, Olds is back home.