*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

anyone tonight?

no money

enoughy gas to get me till wed

Very Tired

So nope.

you suck… OH!! link to that girls myspace who fucks like a champ? i must see pics!!

justin you get my pm?

and i might show…

you majored in subtley in college, didnt you?

And not yet my freind :wink:

if its about ur door thing fuck u

what door thing? the thing he broke on accident? yeah … it was about that… but . ok

unjustifiable for u to demand money out of him. he was helping u but he such a nice guy and ur taking advantage of it

dude shut the fuck up… he offered cause he broke it… i told him if he didn’t want to replace it he could just fiberglass it up that was fine with me… so don’t get your fuckin attitude… when you know nothing about what happened.

you know what… justin forget it… i don’t want a new piece… i know it was an accident… i could care less… i really dont want stupid drama started it over it… its only a 42.05 piece i will just get it myself… or live without it… its NOT a big deal…

i finally made it to the mighty meet yesterday. met up wit, (sorrie forgot the names) someone that drive the clean white eclipse and the black pick up but usually drives the evo. nice meeting u guys.

no it was a 2 tone Jetta I was drving but ya Nice meeting you. Clean WRX.

yeah nice car man! looks great! make it to more meets!

coool. well im going down to nyc this weekend so i’ll go out more often starting next week.

Anybody coming out tonight ? Dont know your name
but you drive a yellow 03 evo with spray. Maybe a run or two?

I’m definitely going. It is going to be an amazing night. Best weather we have had in a while, and the best we will have for a while.

:wave: might be out 2nite, my car breaks all the time… if i do come out ill give ya a run, but if my car suddenly dies its because i blew off my ic piping

PS: didnt know if u wanted to go the other night on the way home or not

I prob would have, but i dont like the lack of visability at night .
To many places for the po po to hide. The rewards dont outway
the risk. I’m not saying i would have won , just dont want to get caught.

i work till 11 maybe ill swing up after

I’ll be out for sure! :tup:

Probably one of my last of the year for the DiSM.

Doubt I’ll be out unless I get a ride from someone. RX-7 is all apart troubleshooting electrical gremlins, and my brother’s oil pan from his black Conquest is full of metal shavings. And of course, the ACR is transmissionless.

WANTED: Any 95-99 Neon 5speed tranny in good working order. I will settle with anything right now.

my and the other half get out of work at 8:30 or so, and were planning on stopping at bubble tea…but i can convince her to stop in the mighty lot for some grub too…

be there between 9 and 9:30 probably…