But when its all said and done. its still the uglest neon Ive ever seen. :tup: for rarety
owned haha but the ugly green neon is not too bad when i took it for a spin.
do you forget the acr got burned buy the random red sunfire? ha or the scary chick that looked like the short dude from 007 man with the golden gun…
that was hardly a race lol i never tried, she just zoomed by me
change your name.you cant tell
I can tell…you can’t see the <fuccillo voice>HHUUGGEE</fuccillo voice> gap between Conquest and TSi?
i can see it but its still the same name.Change it or ill go to bed right now
change it to what? i dont have anything elese besides my harley or my truck i never drive
I should definitely change mine to 88conquestTSi
i could take the 87 out …maybe conquest_TSi
I think you should do Redconquest_TSI LOL
On topic its warm out, anyone going up tonight. that isnt going drinking?
didnt the green acr neon > grey turbo teg ALSO???:mamoru:
i have 5 days off
5 very drunken days
fuck yeah
Oh and cal
NAwwwzzzz > your ringlands :mamoru:
maybe we can get you a shirt that says “I sprayed 10 bottles and all i got was this busted neon motor”
I know ‘ImportMuscle’ will flame away. Im so hurt.
But. How is this bumped evrey day? Don’t you guys have better things to do?
if your still painting it blue you could be blue whatever the fuck you want tsi
anyone gonna be out tongiht?
I got a party to go to later, but im up for killin time.