***Official: My Bubble Tea Sunday Meets***


my car hasn’t been washed or even brushed off of misc leaves, paw prints, bird shit, etc…since september.

That said…i’ll be in attendance tonight :tup: :slight_smile:

prob gonna roll up around 8:30 or 9 or so…can’t stay past 9:45 though…have to be at the airport by 10ish…

Not worth the gas and effort tonight. I feel like I’m dying :tif:

I’ll be up most likely.

pffft i haven’t washed mine since i bought it :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it on the road yet?

i actually might show up, a bubble tea sounds pretty good right now

maybe i’ll swing by in the TL since the clutch in the trans am welded itself to the flywheel.

:(… wanna weld your front to my back on the back of my kawasaki?

like old times

you can’t afford me.

Will are you goin up?

me, redconquest and probably white mk2 are going to show up for a bit

liar :frowning:

indeed, altho i need an alternator i had to emergency swap in an optima just to make it home lol thanks kyle :stuck_out_tongue:

Sincere apologies Jay, honestly. I got back from Rochester way later than anticipated today, and am at work right now. Barely got enough rest tonight, even still. For sure, I will see you next Sunday there.

haha its ok just giving you a hard time

i thought about showing up on the bike, but changed my mind. It was chilly.

was there from 8:30 til about 9:30…wasn’t too busy, got bored fast and left

skunkgay and i will be there tonight

who else is showing up tonight?


maybe my gay ass will show up. i have zero plans and the woman is working.