Capital Ca$h for Gold LOLZ

if you bought the incorrectly assumed amount of weed, you have nobody to blame but yourself, if the dealer didn’t weight it infront of you and give you a receipt saying “Y0 Dis kid (sign buyers name here) bought ##oz of Purple Haze for $XX”.

I buy pints, qts and gallons of paint from Albany Autobody, Keystone and NAPA 3 times a week just about… you really think I am going to throw a shit fit if I walk in and ask to see their scales and get denied? No fucks given, becasue I accepted the fact that Black Magic Pearl basecoat was sold to me for $125 a pt. Transaction is done the moment I left the store. I could care less, and not feel ripped off if I came and left with what i wanted and it got the job done.