Job Question

Hey i just have a question for all of you who know the law. I was offered a job from a Russian Jewlery shop. They found my resume on where i did allow the public to view my resume. This is the job: I am supposedly a Billing Support Agent which collects money from Canadian customers who purchase jewlery from this online store. I open a bank account for this purpose soley and money will be paid towards this account by the customers. Then i take this money, take 10% of it and withdraw 90% of it and give it to the owners in Russia through Western Union. They say they need to do it this way because the tax is raised from any remittances on the legal person at a rate of 20 % from the sum of transfer while transfer money resources on the private person the tax at a rate of 3 % is raised. Also if the customers pay directly to the Russian company, it will take a long time, because international wire transfer goes 5-6 days compared to Western Union 1-2days. THe pay seems too good to be true but is this even legal? Will Revenue Canada be all up in my ass? So to me it seems like i am the middle man of this operation and sending money to them since they are too far away and im guessing cannot open a bank account in canada.?

to clear things up…they suggested me to send the money through western union. and no i am not starting this job but i was offered it. just very curious because it sounds so sketchy.

Sounds like one of those Nigerian scams…

Don’t be blinded by greed.

wow no other replies? i have gotten 17 on lol

sounds like a scam to me… even if it was legit, revenue canada would rape you for something for sure… you would probably end up owing quite a bit of money to the government, LOL… so either way, you would be screwed imo…

Also, the money that goes into your bank account would have to be taxed as well I think… in any case, that just sounds like a scam…

ya thats wat ive been thinking too…im probably gonna back away from this job. i guess u become real desperate when ur jobless :frowning:

more along the lines of when you’re broke :wink:

Are you sure those people are sending money for jewlery they bought? I don’t think it’s jewlery my friend. Jewlery is just a cover up.

I think you’re an idiot.
Jewlery is one of the biggest underground markets there is. It’s like drugs. So much stuff is bought, smuggled and sold illegaly, cash only. This is why they are doing it.

I think you’re an idiot.
Jewlery is one of the biggest underground markets there is. It’s like drugs. So much stuff is bought, smuggled and sold illegaly, cash only. This is why they are doing it.[/quote]
like dimonds
And finally someone called him an idiot :lol:


jewlery is one of the biggest markets in Russia. They are the leading exports of jewlery i heard. They export like 97% or something. However not researching this, i would have thought drugs. Like you go on their website and order “jewlery” but they are actually $1000 worth of coke or etc. It could be either or.

sounds like someones trying to make money in canada using ure name cuz they cant do it themselves legally and need a canadian to take all the heat for the taxes under the table…watch out…i bet its a scam.

ya im not even going to think twice. im just gonna walk away ever so slowly…i dont feel like gettn hit by russian mob. lol

I think you’re an idiot.
Jewlery is one of the biggest underground markets there is. It’s like drugs. So much stuff is bought, smuggled and sold illegaly, cash only. This is why they are doing it.[/quote]

Pavel my answer was only my opinion but since you are the expert in illegal smuggling from Russia why don’t you give him your expert answer to his question and maybe you could help him get the job too.

…wait one sec I got to add you to Hectors list of people who call people names behind the computer.

wow, not only tax fraud, but international tax fraud… that’ll put you away for a good long time…

I wouldn’t touch that with a 6 foot poll, or a 5 foot russian (lol)

I think you’re an idiot.
Jewlery is one of the biggest underground markets there is. It’s like drugs. So much stuff is bought, smuggled and sold illegaly, cash only. This is why they are doing it.[/quote]
like dimonds
And finally someone called him an idiot :lol:

agreed, thats pavel, everyones been thinkin it, now someoneo finally said it.

^ I guess you also agree with the fact that it is so easy to flame someone you know nothing about over the internet but you wouldn’t dare to say the same thing to their face. I would also like to know who this “everyone” is? Because there seems to be a lack of “everyones” coming forward during the meets.

Im not directing this comment at anyone specificaly but internet flamers in general:

You know people like that make me sick.
If anyone want to say something to me, come to the meets say it to my face and I will apreciate that, because at least you have the balls to say it to my face. Just come up to me and say “Hey my name is (such and such) my screan name is (whatever) and I think your an idiot because (whatever your lame ass excuse is).”
Don’t sit there behind a computer and flame people especially people you have never met and know nothing about. Because to me that’s being an idiot.

Go through all of my posts and see if I have ever flamed anyone here…never! It’s called respect and I believe in equal rights for everyone, special treatment for no one.

preach on brother. fuck the man !

Why do I need to come up to your face and tell you that you’re an idiot? Everyone already knows that, just like everyone knows that your g/f is ugly. There is absolutely no reason to go out of my way just to tell you something to your face, I simply don’t care and I’m stating a fact. I don’t care if you think I’m an e-thug, no I DON’T want to fight you because you WILL kick my ass. Are you trying to say that I’m only being brave because I’m behind the computer? If you say something stupid on the computer don’t you think that you should be told about it on the computer as well? or do you expect everyone to run over to your house and say it to your face? If you say something stupid in person, I WILL tell you that you’re an idiot in person.

I suggest that you stop saying stupid shit, everyone is getting tired of it. At the same time, no continue, there always has to be a comic relief in the group, I guess everyone can just laugh at you to take out their frustration.

You’re old enough, so smarten the f*ck up.

Why do I need to come up to your face and tell you that you’re an idiot? Everyone already knows that, just like everyone knows that your g/f is ugly. There is absolutely no reason to go out of my way just to tell you something to your face, I simply don’t care and I’m stating a fact. I don’t care if you think I’m an e-thug, no I DON’T want to fight you because you WILL kick my ass. Are you trying to say that I’m only being brave because I’m behind the computer? If you say something stupid on the computer don’t you think that you should be told about it on the computer as well? or do you expect everyone to run over to your house and say it to your face? If you say something stupid in person, I WILL tell you that you’re an idiot in person.

I suggest that you stop saying stupid shit, everyone is getting tired of it. At the same time, no continue, there always has to be a comic relief in the group, I guess everyone can just laugh at you to take out their frustration.

You’re old enough, so smarten the f*ck up.[/quote]

preach on brother. f*** the man !