***Official: My Bubble Tea Sunday Meets***

well let’s set him straight. bring your chick and mention the name Bubba and she gets in free.

pat is freaking sexy

quoted for truth

seriously Chucks car sounds so pissed that it uses dead babies for chewing gum


when we were cruising towards home he was up next to me and bliped it ever so slightly… i couldnt hear my own exhaust over his blower… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


cars dont chew gum


well tonight is a nice night.I am in the parking lot so get your asses out

BUMP for tonight guys.

its been raining on and off all day, sun tried to creep through a few times, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see

il be there if the rain holds off

ill be thurrr

My roommate and I were the only ones that showed.

osnap your home. Call me bitch

we got there at 10:30ish. stayed for about 25 then went to mighty stayed there for 20. nothing. so we cruised to niagara falls.

weather was to spotty… next weekend?

oh it was moist. mickeys + rain = fun times. last night was even better spraying the chobalt.

Well, this Sunday for sure, mark your calenders…

werd, i really need to detail the car before then lol