OFFICIAL New (Now OLD) Shift518 Decals!!

Let me know…
id take a few…
new or old…or both…either…doesn’t matter…

Drop them off at cash 4 gold, then people can just grab them while they’re down on central… and give us some business

Cossey… Thanks, let me know how / where I can get a couple of red ones

Good idea. I’ll try to drop all these off tomorrow.

How do i grab a few…?

If I had them on me right now I’d give some to my brother to give to you but I left them all in my M3. They’ll be at love4boost’s shop in Colonie by the end of the week.

i swear to god, before I read this thread I was gonna pm you and ask for some shift stickers lol…

And Lance is right, maaadddd dudes on hurr roll through the shop.

Every time I’ve stopped in you haven’t been there Dave. :rofl Are you EVER there?

I only have a few colors left for the Shift stickers, but prolly around 10 of each.
Just make sure you give them to people who are on Shift for the most part. Absolutely none are to be given to specialkid. That’s my only rule.

Skidkid doesn’t have a vehicle to get to the shop.

ill pm love4boost n swing thru Fri…


Im there till 5 erryday exept for saturday. Lance works 5-9pm and saturdays.

Word that’s why then. I never get down that way early.

Stickers were dropped off at the store today! Go see Lance and/or Dave and buy some shit while you’re there!

awee yeahh, stickers are lookin sweet. Just put one on the beamer lol

I’ll have to stop in sometime soon and pick a few up for the bike if you have any left.

got a ton left, come by anytime