***Official Nyspeed Photo Hunt*** v.3rd times a charm


I work in a building full of engineers. This would be easy if my office wasn’t so busy.

Yeah I’m expecting a UB person to walk away with this one. There were 2 10 letter names in my department that i wouldnt consider excessive so I decided to go 11.

Yep, after a quick DB query I’m out:

SELECT last_name FROM employees
where length(last_name) > 10

There was one person I overlooked just skimming the phone list. Walked over to his desk and his name isn’t on anything.

The last name of one of the compression engineers is 11 letters. First name: Slavco. When they ask for a name at a restaurant he just says “Mike.”

please see the associated “Productivity” thread.


Guess everyone failed at the long nameplate, its over the 30 min.
Next item: NYSPEED spelled out in paper clips.


EDIT: The weird sales guy telling us about his blind date with the cougar gave me the wierd look because of this.

NEXT ITEM: Picture of coworker’s car most likely to result in that coworker calling in because of car trouble


such promise fizzled out before lunch :frowning:

You can thank FSane & Moboost4u for that.


yeah being on the 19th floor wasnt conducive to taking pics of any cars, since they all look like micro machines.

Next Item: Write FSANE’s name, with red push pins below it to represent his current karma count.


They stole the thunder with their respective “im an idiot” threads.

Can I haz banztick pweazzze


Edit: And shame on all of you for falling prey to the evil devices of non official daycrew members. I can see a civil war in our future. Engineers vs. I.T.


Finance people are going to be like Dubai/Switzerland. We’ll stay neutral, and hold both sides’ money.

Don’t you mean like Hector in F&F!!!

Cuz he’s too slow to get away with the $ :stuck_out_tongue:

This is a car forum…i think…isn’t it?..oh god

can we be more offtopic in OT forum in a thread in which we weren’t supposed to go OT?

Is this like a gap in the space time continueum?

End of the world?