Official NYSPEED Wii Friend codes

What? Maybe I am missing an update.

Do to the following:

Wii message board
Create a new message
Select address book
First thing listed is your friend code

OMGn00b! Yeah it took me a while to find mine too. Once you do post it and put everyone elses in your wii and prepare for the mii invasion!

It’s a trap!!!

Well worth it to play mixed doubles tennis as adolf and eva.


Added mine. Fuz you got a mail.

Howie has been added to my list. Let the Mii hilarity begin!

BTW the owls were funny as hell!

ya rly

p.s. added new friend codes

i am using an s-video connection

and BTW i never got anyones mii’s on mine, i was all happy to see everyones people but i never got them

Here’s mine: 7014 8354 7776 1963

Im pretty sure you need to use the component cables to get that to work…

Jcuz sent me most of the miis he is quite the miiwhore.

Added to the top list.

what can I say, I have a lot of geek time, I am up to 84 Miis

84!! Holy shit!

That’s disappointing.

Almost as disappointing as not having your wii code yet :slight_smile: I heard that call of duty was pretty good for a shooter.

Yeah I found the code, I just haven’t gotten around to writing it down.
My wife seems to be frightened by what may end up in our mailbox should I share this code.

HAHAHA silly broads…I would be afraid of jcuz’s next mii. He might find a way to make wangs or something like that.

I still don’t have wii sports, fucking guy I bought it from hasn’t given it to me.

I do however, have super monkey ball, madden, and marvel alliance whatever

Call of Duty 3 is actually quite good, but I would recommend just renting it and beating it(I did). I can’t wait until more FPS games come out for it