Official NYSPEED Wii Friend codes

how do u play a FPS on the wii, like how do u shoot its not just pushing the A button is it and u aim with the wiimote?

you Aim with wiimote, B was to fire, A was to zoom, - reloaded and if held picked up weapons on ground, nunchuku was for movement,D-pad threw grenades, 1 was to bring up objectives, there were some parts where you had to use the controllers to fight Jerrys hand to hand, charge explosives, open boarded up doors with a crowbar…

Wiimotes are slowly taking over. :open_mouth:


mmm will post my code later today!

I don’t see any friend requests :frowning:

I can’t seem to add you either fuzzy

LIAR! I added yours the night you posted it. I dunno whats up?


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Thank you nintendo of america.

I have to add you in I believe also. However I’ve been re-organizing the Cubbyhole™, and havn’t had anything plugged in for a few days. :frowning:

Rented COD3 I played it for a few minutes, decently solid title for the first hour that I had a chance to play it.

Just got further into it, after getting used to the controls it’s pretty damned amazing. Now I can send my crazy Mii after Howie when I get home.

I havent been on the mii channel lately. i kinda miss seeing what jcuz will do next.

I just got O RLY?, YA RLY., and their little bro NO WAI!

wo ho i beat the cave ordeals in zelda, man that was tough. not to go and beat the game

haha i got them too

Just finally added everyone. :tup:

after the cave of ordeals are there secrets at each fairy pond? each fairy gave some hints but I never took them down to look into them, I maxed out my Miis and just have not deleted any as well as have any ambition to make more

the only thing u get when u beat the cave aside from having little fairy’s in each pond, you can go to any pond and talk to that big fairy with an empty bottle and you get fairy tears which refills all hearts and increases attack strength for short period of time. but you can only carry one bottle of tears at a time, she will not fill your other empty bottles with them. i went and got all 4 bottles thinking i could get them all filled with it but that didnt happen so i just filled the rest with regular fairy’s. and i ended up not using any of the bottles in the final battle lol. the cave was way harder than beating the final boss i suggest you give it a try its fun plus its a good way to get rupees fast if you need them

in the cave of ordeals, that magic armor actually helped a lot, I had two bottles of fairies tears, one from collecting 20 poe souls(3rd bottle) and one from completing the cave, but I did not get to use either of them

So all you guys beating games, who wants to let me borrow one for a day or 2 :slight_smile:

yea the magic armor saved me on the tougher levels, i thought i would never use that armor either

Bought some gamecube games to play on it, picked up:

Resident Evil 4
Viewtiful Joe

Haven’t played RE4 yet, but Viewtiful Joe kicks major ass so far. Most fun I’ve had with a side scroller in a long time. :tup: