drunken WII may be fun for a few minutes but you really can’t compare it to the 360 and ps3, it’s a different beast altogether. The ps3 and xbox actually have good graphics and nice controllers.
I like the PS3 alot more. but you are right, the Wii doesnt have the best of graphics but makes up for it with the party games like Wii sports and bowling. Its a blast! im thinking of getting one for the basement
When I played zelda it didn’t seem like it needs as much work as everyones making it out to be. Maybe because I’m not a lazy ass. Like my roommate said “That shit’s like a wheel chock.”
freakin Wiisports are the worst. ok, i can see doin the motions, and playin with 4 people, but comon, the players dont have arms, sometimes, not even legs.
Because every time I think VIDEO GAMES I think REAL :eek3:
The Wii is just a way to get the players off their FAT ASSES, and I think its great. The graphics are not PS3 but its also not 700 F’n dollars. If I bought a PS3 id expect a BJ everytime I turned it on for that much.
Im not into Video games but just for trying something NEW
Wii > PS3
ive heard the wii is pretty fun, but like mentioned, only for sports games… ill probably suck it up and buy a PS3 in a few years when they go down to only $300.
Wii isn’t technically HD. It doesn’t even do 720p. I got to finally play it last night at my cousin’s house. I got my ass kicked in boxing by some 7 year old kids. It was fun, but not in the same way my 360 is. The Wii is good against other people. I only got to play Wii sports, but I hear good things about Zelda.
I played Zelda at EB Games, it was pretty fun. It took a little getting use to the controls but nothing I didn’t do in about 3-4sec. Funny how they take your DL and a credit card when you ask to play the Wii.