
prob cause you are holding $75 worth of hard to get wirless controllers

my Wii rocks. for those who complain about the graphics and such. just go get the component wires for the wii and it turns it to 480p, which isnt high but is considered hi-def. the controls arent that bad, they just take a couple minutes to get used to.

I didn’t know they were that much.

yea. the remote one is like 40-45 and the other is 20

So they don’t come in a set. WTF is that.

yea tell me about it. there are 4 different controllers for wii.

the remote (main controller)
naunchuck ( secondary to main)
the classic remote (for downloaded games)
gamecube controller (for playing gamecube games on wii)

hobbies>video games

Garden of Eating > *

The price for the controller isn’t to bad. The 360’s wireless one is $60 and the ps3’s is $50.

there is an HD channel on dish tv that is all video gamers playing at national and international events? playing games against eachother…

my brother just bought a wii the other day, it is actually pretty fun. it is going to create some great drunken competitions. I still love my ps3 though.

you have noooo idea

x2 and thats the same reason i want one for the basement… fishing and wii sports look awesome!

that they are. and rampage

Wii owns Period.

thats why the wii is selling and the ps3 isn’t. hell i was in butler today at target they had 2 60 gig ps3’s sittin there. i asked the guy when he got those in and he said about 3-4 days ago. no one can keep the wii in stock right now. wait til metroid comes out with the nunchuck and remote. it will more like a computer setup than anything. the wii has alot of potential which gaming companies are take advantage of. for all of you that know so much about video games why is nintendo outselling any other next gen console/handheld console on the market. wii over 1.2million systems sold with ps3 at a lousy 500,000 copys sold, mind you they are sitting on the shelf. and ds over 15million units sold world wide to psp 4 million both coming out at the same time too

it probably has a whole lot to do with pricing

the ps3 is 600
the wii is 250

which would you rather spend?

super smash bros. brawl coming out soon. cant wait


grindpunk, why do you say the wii outsells any ‘next gen gaming system’ when you only compared it to the ps3? the wii does have some good sales for sure… much better than the ps3… but the xbox 360 has been selling strong for over a year now…

(older news)

According to NPD’s preliminary estimates, around 2 million Xbox 360 units were sold in North America from November up until December 25.

The figure for Nintendo Wii stood at 1.8 million units - despite the fact the console only launched in North America on November 19.
Stock shortages were an even bigger problem for Sony. Around 750,000 PlayStation 3 units were sold during the same period.

wii would like to play.