Next Gen Game system

If you could only have one?

voted Wii for one main reason… you can get, provided you have the system for it, pretty much similar and in some cases… all the same games for the PC (with graphics/sound that “can” blow all 3 out of the water if you have the hardware). With Nintendos new system, there really isnt anything out that could replicate it.

(not to say that I dont want a 360/ps3 though)

I’m usually a Sony fanboy, but… no thanks. 600 bones for Geriatric Snake and… a re-release of GT4?

No thanks, i’ll take a 360. Gears of War, Crysis, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Fable 2, Chromehounds, etc, etc. The next wave of games for the 360 just look better than anything the PS3 was showin off.

The Wii, as much as I hate the name, looks pretty cool though. And you know it’ll be cheap!

What i’ll probably end up doing is snagging a W… a Revolution maybe at release if i’m hankerin to do some console gaming, and wait until more or the games I really want on the 360 are out. Maybe hope for a price drop.

Wii looks like a good party gaming system… although those controls might give me a little trouble if i am drunk and uncoordinated… or could be alot of fun?


PS3, but only because I want the best system

:sigh: :stuck_out_tongue:

360 For me. Tried and tested, and by the time the RapeYou 3, err… I mean PS$, err… PS3 comes out, there will be a good line-up of title with I don’t know how many more on the horizon.

However, anyone who knows he knows that I will most likely (99% chance) own all 3 at somepoint in time.

kinda tough to pick when 2 of the 3 have never been in anyones hands yet.

sweet poll :gay:

Debating. GT5 will have to be damned good for me to plunk down cash on a new console. Nothing by Nintendo will ever be considered by me due their all-out war against emulation, and I haven’t seen anything for the 360 yet that makes me want one.

I voted the Wii. I am at the point where I have been playing games for about 15 years and new games seem mostly to be about the graphics which are nice and all but… Every once in awhile I hook up my snes and play some old games since I love the games purely for their game play. I think the nintendo Wii can re-light my new game empathy.

PS3 for the simple fact that they are going to have some amazing games… I shudder in excitement to think how the FF series are going to look on this thing.

good catch… wtf?? :eyebrow:

ive seen some video footage of the wii, and im wondering if anyone knows if they’re going to make a normal controller for the system. cus if they’re gonna make us move players/objects by our own motions and movements, its gonna be pretty dumb IMO. cus im not the type of guy who likes to be jumping all around when playing. i would rather be sitting down. sure they’re trying to change the way we play games, but if that’s how they’re gonna have it, i wont be buying. just my opinion.

I want to play with my Wii.

Me and Cuz discussed this.

None of the above.


lol all u sony humpers are gunna be in for a big suprise when ur console is gunna suck big monkey nuts. sony cant even produce one on its own, they have to copy others. fuck them and theyre junk.


I’ll play with my Wii thanks. And for those wondering about standard controllers check the nintendo website. They have a classic pad, or you can attach a standard GC controller.

Xbox is tempting

And after that short stint with Sony I’ll never touch another product of theirs again based on their policies.

i put some thought into it… seeing as how i have never played a wii or ps3 i can only speculate.

but the nintendo gets my vote. there has been nothing next gen about the next gen consoles. they have improved graphics, but the game play is the same.
meh… im not impressed

nintendo is bringing somthing new to the table, and with the light gun and shit; damn, it looks like a lot of fun. if i want to play a decent FF game, i will plug in my old NES. the new ones arent as good. the have pretty pictures, but thats not what makes a game great.

PC and PS3

Killzone 2 FTW!