PS3 or 360 which one?

As the title states, im looking to purchase one of these systems. I just wanted to hear some input of people here who own either system. Likes & Dislikes…


360, titles available now, price is pretty good. It seems like they are offering free stuff with them lately, like $50 gift cars that can be used for a game or controller. R6 is fucking awesome. xbox live is soooooo worth the $50 a year.

Dislikes… The batteris went pretty quick in my controller so i needed to get the rechargeable battery pack. They should have included that in the price.

360 all day long, im obsessed.

Everyone here is going to say 360.

I have both. Its not a fair comparison yet because there is only a handful of games out for PS3 right now. I am playing my 360 much more but I only have 1 game for PS3 and I have 6 for 360. That will likely change in about a year or so.

Both great systems. I only have the 360 but will be picking up a ps3 sometime in the near future. FOr right now id say go 360 just because of all the titles out already and the great live support!

i read your thread about the XBOX HD DVD…is it true its only 1080i?

360 hands down

i used to say xbox was gay… i would never get one… i love PS2 and i’m gonna get PS3…

yea… i have a 360 and i love the damn thing. GET ITTTT!!!

Depends on if you want 1080p, or good games :stuck_out_tongue:

The 360 is still my favorite, even over the Wii. Just because of the game selection.


the HD DVD drive is full 1080p for movies.

Edit: and so is the 360 for games for that matter.




To my understanding you needed like a 50" tv or bigger to notice the difference between 1080p and 1080i anyway.

Not me…PS3. Got it and love it. NHL2K7,Tony Hawk Project 8,NFS Carbon, Call to duty 3, Resistance Amazing games. My nephew has 360 and i’ll give it this it is nice. I love the NHL07 shooting features. But i dont like how ya had to buy extra cooling fans to keep it running cool. Ah well to each his own. 360/HDDVD or PS3/Bluray Both great

you dont, any of the systems that had that issue are being replaced by microsoft. no need for fans. ive had my replacement system from MS for a while with no issues at all :tup:

Fans? Have mine tucked in a cabinet on top og other electronics, no problems at all.

PS3 for the win


/ of story

but you’re only 17 so…

No poll? PS3 gets the nod from me, but I’m sure this will just end up in a never ending argument. If you had xbox before, get 360. If you had PS2 before get PS3. If you had both before, well I guess your just a baller and should get both again.

actually 20