ps3 vs xbox 360

Ok my 11 yr old and i have been tossing this around Advice?
from my understanding
NEWer ps3 slims are NOT backward compatable w/ ps2 games? (Wrong?)
seams as though 360 has better graphics- i dont own a flat screen so it may not mattar
I would really like to be able to use the hundreds of ps2 games my son already own(yes i’m thrifty/cheap)

See what his friends have, I have 360 and love it. Check out Forza3 on YouTube!

I’ve been thinking about this also. I just picked up a Wii for fun, but it doesn’t seem to have any one player games that I’m into. I was thinking about a PS3 for the blue ray, but I also don’t have a flat screen. Might pick one up after I buy a house though.

I am thinking about PS3 for the blueray, DL movies and shows, and maybe some Hero.


Do you want to play online? If so, Xbox Live > *.PS3.

Yeah, XBL is $50 a year (or $30 if you watch for sales on the cards), but I gladly pay it for how well it works.

Graphics wise they’re so close it’s not really a deciding factor. Without an HDTV it’s definitely not a deciding factor.

As for playing old PS2 on the PS3, it’s complicated.

You may want to dig around for a fat 60GB PS3. You can pick them up used and they are FULLY backwards compatible. I got a 60GB and I love it. It will stream all of my movies/music from my server, plays PS1/PS2/PS3 games, and doubles as an excellent Blu-Ray player.

All of this :tup:

None of the newest ps3’s are backwards compatible, even the most recent fat versions.

I have both.

For gaming ~ 360. The online gameplay is much better.

Movie streaming ~ PS3. Its just easier imho and it decodes DTS.

Ps controller > xbox controller.

backwards compatibility shouldn’t be in the equtaion since neither newer ps3’s nor xbox’s can play ps2/1 games. but I would get the older one 9c1 is talking about if possible since it is apparently.

Thanks gents

I was an Xbox guy but love my PS3. The games are pretty similar even tho I do miss halo and the online base isnt huge as Xbox Live but it does have its benefits.

I love the Bluray player and the ability to play online without paying. Xbox live charged me every month and felt like I wasted money when I wasnt playing it online.

It really comes down to the feel for the controller and the games you like. I have the version that plays almost every game but like people said, make sure you check online to see if the version you are looking as supports the backwards compatibility for the game you want. I personally only play one PS1 game every now and then and thats it.

after getting my ass kicked at geoffs house playing call of duty, i almost went out and bought an xbox…

Cant justify the minimal money for the amount of “work” it would displace from my day.

I’m sure id pretty much quit working, and thats sad… therefor i havent played video games in a VERY long time…

Deffinitly not for racing games! I used to like the PS2 controller but the triggers on the ps3 suck!

God you’re cheap.

$39.99/12 months and free shipping. That’s $3.33 a month. I probably spend close to that in gas doing a single 0-60 run. :lol:

Too cheap to pay for gas to drag my car too :slight_smile:

I have a ps3 and a couple of my buddies have the 360 ps3>360 for sure.

I’m looking for why you/people think that? reasons here folks, come on

x2 :rimshot:

  • Free online
  • Better controller
  • Hardware is more reliable
  • It might be more than a Xbox but you got to pay to play.

better controller my ass, the xbox controller triggers trump the ps completely. free online doesn’t mean better online. XBL is much better in every sense. and its not like 40 bucks is gonna break anyone’s bank.

Online is exactly the same for ps3 as xbox but free,graphics are the same,NO RING OF DEATHHHH or other stupid virus’s all the time,web browsing like a normal computer. All in all the ps3 is a much better system

I love my PS3, but I’ve always been a fan so I’m biased. Great piece of equipment